Finnish Ch. Sylvan Checkmate
Checkmate (Zemi) moved to Finland at age 7 months to live with Kirsi-Marja Metsanen of Kennel Palmikon. He earned his first Challenge Certificate shortly after his first birthday, and a second one in August. He finished with a third CC in September of 1998.
His first litter was born in March 1997 at Kennel Carabida in Helsinki.
His second litter was born January 1998 at Kennel Ilanja in Västerskog.
His third litter was born in June at Kennel Sebranova in Sweden.
Zemi went to the World Show in Helsinki in 1998, and placed 4th in an Open
class of 27, including Champions from many countries.
We shared the joys and the work of breeding and raising this second "CH" litter with Shawn and Tammy (Cook) Smith of Monarch Borzoi.
The second CH litter includes:
Ch. Sylvan Chieftain
Ch. Sylvan Chiaroscuro
Ch. Sylvan Chili Pepper
BIS, BISS Ch. Monarch Chrystal Chandelier
Born July 29, 1995