BIS, BISS, DC Sylvan Seabury Virago SC, FCh, ROMX-C
Ch. Seabury Celtic Warrior x Ch. J.A.Y. Seabury JP Affectionately
Virago, a shared treasure
Virago came to be as a result of a cooperation between our kennel, and Dr. Jim Sillers of Seabury Borzoi. In 1999, Jim shared the remarkable Nara with us, an already accomplished show girl who we showed to 17 group wins, innumerable placements, BOB at Westminster, and a National Specialty win.
In 2001 Nara was linebred to the Ch. Sky Run Winter Nova son, Ch. Seabury's Celtic Warrior. The litter was mostly girls, but Virago caught our eye and heart. He was co-owned with Jim, lived at Sylvan, and was loved by all who met him throughout his long life.
In 2005, Virago was BOB, Best Bred By Exhibitor, and placed in the BBE Hound Group at the AKC/Eukanuba Invitational Tournament of Champions. He was awarded Best of Breed at the Midwest Borzoi Club Specialty in Detroit, by breeder-judge Dr. John Reeve-Newsom. Virago finished in the Top 5 in breed, and in the Top 10 all-breed competition, shown about 30 times.
He continued showing on a more casual basis, consistently winning in the Breed and Group, including two Group placements in 2009 and Best in Veteran Sweepstakes at the National Specialty, a few days before his 8th birthday.
Virago the show dog
Virago's brief class career included three majors, and two Sweepstakes wins.
Though immature, the temptation to continue the show ring fun led to five Hound Group placements in a few months of shows in 2003.
In 2004, Vir had many more Hound Group placements , a Specialty Best of Breed, and an all breed Best in Show. He finished the year as #3 in all-breed competition and #8 in breed, shown only 8 months.

Best in Show on a beastly hot day
At full maturity in 2006

Best in Specialty - Midwest Borzoi Club

Best in Veteran Sweepstakes - 2009 National Specialty
Virago on the field

Virago was fast and agile, easily completing his ASFA lure coursing title, at a time when Borzoi competition was quite keen. The AKC trials were harder to find at the time in the South, so we had to travel quite a distance to find majors. He earned the final points for his AKC Field Championship just a few months before winning an all-breed Best in Show in the conformation ring.
ASFA Winter Challenge - Cartersville, GA 2006 - photo credits Shot on Site

Virago the character
Vir inherited a lively, "look-at-me!" temperament from his mother, which made him a natural show dog as well as an engaging companion. He liked all creatures, and was especially gentle with puppies, loving to lie in the box with tiny ones when their mother was out.

Virago with his 7 week old son, Sylvan Scotch 'n Soda
Virago wanted to be part of every action, every day. He was trained to harness, but our other. older males were already a matched team, leaving him no partner of similar size. We also had to consider the possibility that the harness would pull out feathering while he was being specialed (horror!) So, Vir logged many enthusiastic miles on our country roads as a cheerleader for the girl teams, during the years Patti was actively driving the Sacco cart.
Virago continue to travel with us after retirement from the ring. He remained the center of attention in our household at all times for twelve years.
Virago the sire
During his life Virago sired forty five American Champions, and three Group winners, out of thirteen different dams, with others close to their titles. He was the top producing Borzoi sire for 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2010. He has record-breaking get in Australia, in addition to titlists in Canada and Europe. Many of his descendants beyond the first generation have equally impressive resumes.
Thanks to the miracle of frozen semen, Virago is now playing in his second act. We have some young Virago daughters that exhibit much of his essence.
The list below records his Champion get, and the lovely bitches that were put to him. Most Borzoi's names link at least to a photo and/or a pedigree. The Virago children that were born at Sylvan have more information.
Additional photos or corrections welcome.

Virago at almost 12, inspecting his grandchildren out of Topanga
Virago's American Champions
#48 titled 2019
Ch. Sylvan Fine China
#47 titled 2018
#46 titled 2018
#45 titled 2014
#44 titled 2013
#43 titled 2012
Multi-talented !!! - out of Ch.Iskra Kalinow
#42 titled 2012
#41 titled 2012
Multiple Best of Breed - out of Ch. KatZ Night 'N Paisley ROM-C
#40 titled 2011
Pointed from puppy class, BOB winner - out of Ch.Iskra Kalinow
#39 titled 2011
Multiple BOB winner from classes - out of Ch. Sylvan Metallic Minx
#38 titled 2011
Half of an amazing brace. - out of Ch. Soyara's Faith Tis Herself Esar
#37 titled 2011
#36 titled 2011
#35 titled 2011
Group placing - out of Ch. Soyara's Faith Tis Herself Esar
#34 titled 2011
BOB wins from the classes - out of Ch. Soyara's Faith Tis Herself Esar
#33 titled 2010
Pointed from puppy class, BOB winner - out of Ch.Iskra Kalinow
#32 titled 2010
#31 titled 2010
Group winner, Top ranked special - out of Ch. Soyara's Faith Tis Herself Esar
#30 titled 2010
Group placing, dam of 5 Champions - out of Sylvan Amunet SC, FCh, ROM-C
#29 titled 2010
Ch. Sylvan Hammer Force
Supported entry winner - out of Sylvan Amunet SC, FCh, ROM-C
#28 titled 2010
Ch. Sylvan Sovereign Isle
Futurity class winner, Sweeps and Specialty winner - out of Sylvan Amunet SC, FCh, ROM-C
#27 titled 2010
Three majors, BOBs over specials - out of Sylvan Amunet SC, FCh, ROM-C
#26 titled 2009
Ch. KatZ Golden Opportunity JC
Multiple Sweepstakes winner, AOM Nat'l Specialty - out of Ch. KatZ Night 'N Paisley ROM-C
#25 titled 2009
RWB Nat'l Specialty, MBC Specialty BOW, Group placements - out of Sylvan Amunet SC, FCh, ROM-C
#24 titled 2009
AKC/UKC Ch. Sylvan It Had To Be Me JC
BOB from puppy class in AKC competition - out of Sylvan Amunet SC, FCh, ROM-C
#23 titled 2009
Ch. KatZ Sylvan Gladstone Gander
Two supported entry majors at 11 months - out of Ch. KatZ Night 'N Paisley ROM-C
#22 titled 2009
GCH Sylvan Autumn Rain JC
Three California majors, owner handled - out of Sylvan Amunet SC, FCh, ROM-C
#21 titled 2009
Ch. Karanoff Kikimora JC
The second Champion from her litter - out of Ch. Karanoff Lastango Joyousgard
#20 titled 2009
Ch. Sylvan Hidden Asset
The first for his dam, ASFA pointed - out of Sylvan Amunet SC, FCh, ROM-C
#19 titled 2009
Ch. KatZ Golden Haze
Best in Sweepstakes - out of Ch. KatZ Night 'N Paisley ROM-C
#18 titled 2009
Ch. KatZ Sylvan Evita
Best in Sweepstakes - out of Ch. KatZ Night 'N Paisley ROM-C
#17 titled 2008
Ch. KatZ Sirensong The Big Easy
Two BOBs and a Group III to finish - out of Ch. KatZ Night 'N Paisley ROM-C
#16 titled 2008
Ch. Katz Evanescence At Teine
Finished at 18 months with four majors - out of Ch. KatZ Night 'N Paisley ROM-C
#15 titled 2007
Ch. Sir Lancelot of Paradise Valley
Multiple Bests In Sweeps; from a litter of two. - out of Ch. Royale Shalimar of Kyrov CD, JC
#14 titled 2008
2 5 point majors and BOB on MBC Specialty weekend - out of Seabury's Morning Light
#13 titled 2007
Ch. KatZ Cayenne Del Sol
Finished with BCOA supported entry major win - out of Ch. Katz Mississippi Queen ROM-C
#12 titled 2007
Ch. KatZ Call Me Carly
Finished with BCOA supported entry major win - out of Ch. Katz Mississippi Queen ROM-C
#11 titled 2007
3 majors, BOB over specials - out of Ch. Katz Mississippi Queen ROM-C
#10 titled 2007
Group winner - major pointed get - out of Ch. Katz Mississippi Queen ROM-C
#9 titled 2006
Group winner - major pointed get - out of Ch. Katz Mississippi Queen ROM-C
#8 titled 2007
MBISS GCH Vitrina Sylvan One From The Heart JC
Multiple Specialty winner - out of Ch. Vitrina Zoetrope CD, FCh
#7 titled 2006
Multiple Group and Specialty winner - out of Ch. Vitrina Zoetrope CD, FCh
#6 titled 2006
Specialty BOW, BOB winner - three majors - out of Ch. Karanoff Lastango Joyousgard
#5 titled 2006
Top LGRA Borzoi for 2006 - Champion get of his own - out of Ch. Zcerlov Sylvan Godiva
#4 titled 2006
Best In Sweepstakes, RWB at MBC Summer Specialty- out of Ch. Zcerlov Sylvan Godiva.
#3 titled 2006
Reserve and Best Puppy 2004 National Specialty - out of Seabury's Morning Light
#2 titled 2005
Finished at 16 months with 4 majors - out of Ch. Katz Mississippi Queen ROM-C
#1 titled 2005
Bests in Sweepstakes, Virago's first Champion - out of Seabury's Morning Light
Canadian Champions
titled 2010
Can. Ch. Seabury Sylvan Spitfire
Pointed in the U.S. - out of Sylvan Amunet SC, FCH, ROM-C
Australian Champions
titled 2010
Ch. Kenibea Murphy's Law
Record breaking Hound in Oz and New Zealand - out of Gr Ch Kenibea Keepin Th Faith
titled 2010
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - out of Grand Ch Aria Svora Hot Chilli Pepper
titled 2010
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - out of Gr Ch Kenibea Keepin Th Faith
titled 2010
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - out of Grand Ch Aria Svora Hot Chilli Pepper
European Champions
titled 2010 W-18 Wieka Tsar Borzoi, and also BOB VDH Donaueschingen Winner 2018
N Ch Dk Ch. Nordic W-16, 18 Wieka Tsar Borzoi
Vesla - out of C.I.C., A CH Uliia Tsar Borzois, FCI European Coursing Champion 2012, FCI European Coursing Vice-Champion 2013
BOB VDH Donaueschingen Winner 2018
titled 2010
FI EE LV CH Ogre W-16 Wernaja Tsar Borzois
Naja - out of C.I.C., A CH Uliia Tsar Borzois, FCI European Coursing Champion 2012, FCI European Coursing Vice-Champion 2013