Ch. Sylvan Scotch & Soda JC, SGRC2
BIS, BISS DC Sylvan Seabury Virago SC, FCh, ROMX-C x Ch. Zcerlov Sylvan Godiva
Scotty was the only puppy born at the farm in 2004. His mother, father and most of the adults, Borzoi and human, doted on him.
When he was 11 months old, we took him to Detroit. Over the Midwest Borzoi Club specialty week, Scotty placed 1st or 2nd in all his Sweeps or regular classes, and was Winners Dog for a 3 point major at the BCOA supported entry on Sunday.
Shortly thereafter, Scotty moved to Jedawn kennel in Nebraska, where he had the many show and performance activities of the Hall family to keep him busy. In the ring, Scotty won BOW all three days at his first all-breed shows with his then Junior Handler, Shannon Hall, earning a second major in the process. He won Best of Breed over 4 specials in August for his third major, and finished his title the first week of October 2005.

He was fast, too. Scotty finished 2006 as the NUMBER ONE LGRA racing Borzoi!! He remained in the Top 10 for three years in a row. Scotty was ASFA pointed as well.