The Sylvan "M" Litter
Ch. Majenkir Tobiano x Ch. Sylvan Chelsea of Astafiev CD, ROMX
Born November 24, 1984, the "M" puppies were highly successful in the show ring as youngsters, with a collective total of 3 majors, 25 points and several Bests of Breeds by the time they were 9 months old.
Of the 9 members of this litter, 5 completed their Championships, 5 earned obedience titles, 1 became a Field Champion and several others had points in the ring.
Michael left home at 9 months to be Knox Millsaps' companion but took occasional weekends off from pet duty to play showdog. He was Winners or Reserve nearly every time shown, and finished easily.
Medea holds a place of distinction in the Borzoi Club of America's Versatility Hall of Fame, being the only Borzoi to have earned her show Championship, Field Championship, and Companion Dog obedience degree in the same year.
She helped to win the annual Dog Obedience Clubs of Florida's annual team competition for our club, turning in ....
Marigold earned 14 points and 3 majors by the time she was 9 months old and completed her obedience title with a class placement and an average above 190.
For two years, Marigold was a Junior Showmanship dog for Rachel Rehberg. That team rose to the top
Midas was the last to be shown from his litter and placed in the Hound Group from the classes.
One of 5 Champions in his own litter, he was bred only once and produced 5 Champion offspring out of 8 surviving puppies.
Marlboro was a Specialty Winner who earned 9 points as a youngster before becoming Lisa Simpson's first Borzoi. With Lisa, he earned his Companion Dog title and his Temperament Test certification.